Beef  | Hog  | Sheep | Other Products
Salted beef Casings South America Origin
Salted beef rounds Calibers: 30/32, 32/35, 35/37, 37/40
40/43, 43/46, 46/+ with A, AB and B qualities
Salted beef bungs Bung caps, bungs and bung afterend, with A and AB qualities
Salted beef middles Calibers: 40/-, 40/45, 45/50, 50/55, 55/60,
60/65, 65/70, 70/+ with A, AB and B qualities
Beef middles in pieces Salted and in nets, cut and tied, all calibers
Beef fatends Salted, graded
Beef bladders Air-dried, all calibers